The Case of Ecology in Contextual and Inter-Contextual Political Theology
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Guillermo Kerber (преподаватель)
Atelier Oecumenique de Theologie
Although some theologians have been advocating for a thorough consideration of ecological issues for more than twenty years, it is only recently that it has become an important matter for some churches and for political theology. In a 1995 book, “Cry of the earth, cry of the poor,” Leonardo Boff argued that together with social and justice concerns for the poor, the church and the society should look and respond to the destruction of the environment. Boff echoed the “Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation” project led by the World Council of Churches. The climate crisis later became a locus theologicus but also a topic for national and international advocacy. It became an ecumenical and interfaith concern expressed through various initiatives. Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’, 2015, catalyzed these reflections and actions and constituted a turning point in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. The COVID-19 pandemic raised new ecological concerns. However, despite all these developments, most of the churches have not yet mainstreamed ecology in their discourse and their pastoral action.
Keywords: ecology, political theology, ecumenism, ethics, justice, climate change, advocacy, экология, политическая теология, экуменизм, этика, справедливость, изменение климата, адвокация (advocacy)
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© Article. Guillermo Kerber, 2021.