Torah against the Virus, Rabbis against the Government: Ultra-Orthodoxy Facing the Pandemic
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Galina Zelenina (Associate Professor; Research Fellow)
Russian State University for the Humanities
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
The paper discusses a number of the most remarkable responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the social isolation measures coming from several, mostly ultra-Orthodox, Jewish communities in Israel, the United States, and Russia. It examines major elements of the crisis discourse, i.e., the hermeneutics of the causes and meanings of the pandemic; the affirmation of group borders and hierarchies as a result of the search for culprits; the relations between the religious community and the state; as well as the possible transformations of social behavior and ritual practices resulting from the crisis.
Keywords: judaism, Ultraorthodoxy, Hasidism, modern Orthodoxy, apotropaic practices, messianism, COVID-19 pandemic, иудаизм, ультраортодоксальность, хасидизм, современное православие, апотропаизм, мессианство, пандемия
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© Article. Galina Zelenina, 2021.