Resistance and Submission. Pandemic, Late Modern Epistemes, and Russian Orthodox Ethos
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Alexander Agadjanian (Russian Presidential)
Russian State University of the Humanities
Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
The article discusses the reactions within the Russian Orthodox Church to the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Based on materials from the press, religious and secular Internet-resources and online forums, the article systematizes the variety of responses of Orthodox priests, laity and church leaders to the unprecedented interruption of liturgical cycle and church sociality in the period of sanitary restrictions. The extraordinary challenges of the pandemic period revealed otherwise less obvious trends within the Orthodox milieu, and the nature of its ambivalent correlation with the basic epistemes of the late modern secular society.
Keywords: pandemic of COVID-19, Russian Orthodoxy, eucharist, sociality, secularity, late modern society, пандемия, коронавирус, русская православная церковь, homo somatis, соборность, таинство Евхаристии, секулярность, общество позднего модерна
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© Article. Alexander Agadjanian, 2021.