Mongolian Buddhism in the Twenty-First Century: Under Construction
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Rustam Sabirov (Associate Professor)
Institute of Asian and African Studies Moscow State University
The article considers Buddhism in modern Mongolia in the context of the world of Tibetan Buddhism. The peculiarity of Buddhism in modern Mongolia lies in the simultaneous coexistence of different models and interpretations of Buddhism. The “socialist” model is the result of the transformations during the period of the People’s Republic of Mongolia: Buddhism is seen as a part of the cultural and national heritage, and the Hambo-lama is recognized as head of the Sang-ha. The “Tibetan” model assumes orientation to the Dalai Lama and those lamas who are close to him and calls for the restoration of the Tulku institution headed by Bogd Gegeen. Supporters of the “nationalist” model oppose the interference of the Tibetans altogether. Some lamas also defend the originality of Mongolian Buddhism. The emergence of the tenth Bogd Gegeen could potentially unite these disparate groups and significantly strengthen Mongolia’s position in the world of Tibetan Buddhism that now undergoes through difficult times. Despite the economic difficulties, “spiritual” dependence on the Tibetan lamas and the tight pressure from China, it is in the field of Buddhism that the Mongols manage to show their agency and act as an independent player. Alternative religious discourses presented by followers of shamanism and Christianity are much less efficient or popular. The article draws upon extensive field sources.
Keywords: Buddhism in Mongolia, tibetan Buddhism, DALAI Lama, Bogd Gegeen, Mongolia, буддизм в Монголии, тибетский буддизм, далай-лама, Богдо-гэгэн, монголия
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© Article. Rustam Sabirov, 2020.