Prophetic Art as a Form of Visual Culture in Pentecostalism
Original Article|Religion and Contemporary Art
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The focus of this article is prophetic painting in Pentecostalism as a special kind of spiritual “call from God” and as a creative practice in which believers through painting enter into relations with God. The task of the article is to understand what place the painting occupies in the practices of “the gifts of the Holy Spirit” in Pentecostalism. The author considered the eschatological, prophetic, redemptive perspectives of art in Pentecostal teaching and practice. Based upon interviews with participants in master classes and materials in artists’ blogs, the author shows the ideas of Pentecostal artists about prophetic painting. The author considers prophetic painting as a spontaneous performance of worship and as a form of visual prophecy that provides the feelings of reality, authenticity of action of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers.
Keywords: prophetic painting, Pentecostalism, gifts of the Holy Spirit, art of worship, performance
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© Article. Nadezhda Aleksandrova, 2024.