Family Relations Among Islamic Fundamentalists: Archaici-zation or Modernization?
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Irina Starodubrovskaya (Leading Research Fellow of the Center for Regional Studies and Urbanism of the Institute of Applied Economic Research of RANEPA, Head of the Department of Political Economics and Regional Development at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy)
Russian Academy for National Economy and Public Administration
Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
The article is about the impact of Islamic fundamentalist views on family relations. The main research question is whether Islamic fundamentalism contributes to a preservation of traditional family relations or it rather leads to their modernisation. The analysis is based on two types of sources: the results of the long-term fieldwork in the North Caucasian Islamic fundamentalist milieu; and the data collected within internet surveys of Muslims - Dagestani, Ingushes and Chechens. The research demonstrated that in spite of the common religious stock, various groups of Islamic fundamentalists understand the norms of family life quite differently. The presumed “fundamentalist family” can be based on totally archaic principles, implementing strict generational and gender hierarchies and practicing family violence. However, it can also represent a conservative model of a modern family characterized by a certain gender inequality and a separation of gender functions; yet, female family members can be educated and are allowed to work, and the marriage is based on emotional bonds. Various mixes of archaic and modern elements are possible. It should be also noted that religion is not the only source of the norms in family life: ethnic traditions, social environment as well as influence of parental families also play their roles.
Keywords: islam, islamic fundamentalism, gender relations, generational relations, traditional family, ислам, исламский фундаментализм, гендерные отношения, поколенческие отношения, традиционная семья
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© Article. Irina Starodubrovskaya, 2022.