Exploring the Postsecular. Three Meanings of "the Secular" and Their Possible Transcendence
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JosÉ Casanova (Professor in the Departments of Sociology and Theology at Georgetown University; Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)
In this article the author constructs a typology of the different senses secularization has been understood, and how these various senses correlate to different models of secularization in the modern world. He engages with the works of Jürgen Habermas and argues that Habermas’s conception of secularization is too closely linked to the European model in which secularization and modernization are correlated. Casanova argues that the world may be becoming “post-secular,”characterized by the re-emergence of religion as a public issue in some societies. He concludes by identifying three main reasons for this new attitude: globalization, European integration, and increasing religious pluralism due to immigration.
Keywords: secularization theory, modernization, post-secular society, secular, religion in Europe, Jürgen Habermas, теория секуляризации, модернизация, постсекулярное общество, секулярное, религия в Европе, Юрген Хабермас
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© Article. JosÉ Casanova, 2018.